
Single agent

DQN on CartPole

This example uses the CartPole environment provided by the OpenAI Gym. If you don’t have the Gym then you can install it either through pip install gym.

from ai_traineree.agents.dqn import DQNAgent
from ai_traineree.runners.env_runner import EnvRunner
from ai_traineree.tasks import GymTask

task = GymTask('CartPole-v1')
agent = DQNAgent(task.obs_space, task.action_space, n_steps=5)
env_runner = EnvRunner(task, agent)

# Learning
scores = env_runner.run(reward_goal=100, max_episodes=300, force_new=True)

# Check what we have learned by rendering

Multi agent

IQL on Prison

This example uses the Prison environment provided by the PettingZoo. The Prison is simple environment where all agents are independent with a simple task alternatively touch walls. To install the environment execute pip install pettingzoo[butterfly].

from ai_traineree.multi_agent.iql import IQLAgents
from ai_traineree.runners.multiagent_env_runner import MultiAgentCycleEnvRunner
from ai_traineree.tasks import PettingZooTask
from pettingzoo.butterfly import prison_v2 as prison

env = prison.env(vector_observation=True)
task = PettingZooTask(env)

config = {
    'device': 'cpu',
    'update_freq': 10,
    'batch_size': 200,
    'agent_names': env.agents,
agents = IQLAgents(task.obs_space, task.action_space, task.num_agents, **config)

env_runner = MultiAgentCycleEnvRunner(task, agents, max_iterations=9000, data_logger=data_logger)
scores = env_runner.run(reward_goal=20, max_episodes=50, eps_decay=0.95, log_episode_freq=1, force_new=True)

More examples

Here are only some selected examples. There are many more examples provided in the repository as individual files. There is examples directory or directly here https://github.com/laszukdawid/ai-traineree/tree/master/examples.

The easiest way to run them is to checkout git package and install it (see note below). Examples can be run as modules from the root directory, i.e. directory with setup.cfg file. To run cart_dqn example execute:

$ python -m examples.cart_dqn


Examples use some libraries that aren’t provided in the default package installation. To install all necessary packages make sure to install AI Traineree with [examples] conditions. If you are using pip to install packages then you should use pip install -e .[examples].